[Webinar with certificate] Research Horizon Navigator

September Announcements

Hello friends,

No surprise. This is the webinar announcement for the second half of September 😀 

I will conduct 2 webinars with a certificate of participation (1 in French and 1 in English) via WebEx about the Research Horizon Navigator in InCites.

I will focus on this new module that can help you identify emergent areas of research, innovate in research areas with velocity, and invest in new interdisciplinary fields.

[English] Identifying emerging topics in InCites B&A using the Research Horizon Navigator:
17 September, 13h (GMT+4) Register for the English webinar: https://bit.ly/RHN1709

[Français] Identifier les sujets émergents dans InCites B&A à l'aide du Research Horizon Navigator:
19 Septembre, 13h (GMT+4). Inscrivez-vous au webinaire en français: https://bit.ly/RHN1909

As usual, one small request from my side:

Feel free to share this information with colleagues who might also benefit from this webinar.

I hope to see you there.


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or to participate.