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  • [Webinar with certificate] Web of Science: Social Sciences + Arts & Humanities

[Webinar with certificate] Web of Science: Social Sciences + Arts & Humanities

January Announcements

Hello friends,

No surprise. This is the webinar announcement for January 😀 

I will conduct 2 webinars with a certificate of participation (1 in French and 1 in English) via WebEx about the Web of Science Core Collection with a focus on Social Sciences and Arts & Humanities.

Join this session to learn how Social Sciences and Arts & Humanities sources are selected, how you can find them, analyse them and leverage the power of citation navigation to expand your bibliographic discovery.

[English] Expand your discovery with the Social Sciences and Arts & Humanities content of the Web of Science
07 January, 13h (GMT+4) Register for the English webinar: https://bit.ly/WOSSSAH0701 

[Français] Élargissez vos découvertes avec le contenu des sciences sociales et des arts & sciences humaines du Web of Science
21 Janvier, 13h (GMT+4). Inscrivez-vous au webinaire en français:

Here is my usual small request:

Some of you colleagues might also benefit from this webinar, so feel free to share this information with them.

I hope to see you there.


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or to participate.