#41 Free Abstract Writing Guide

Get it now

Hey friends,

If you write a scientific manuscript for a journal or a conference, writing an abstract can be difficult.

Along with the title, the abstract of your paper is publicly available in all search engines.
And it’s, after the title, the first thing a reader would go through. Quickly

You did a great study. Several pages with lots of findings.

But how do you summarize that in about 200 words?

That’s why I prepared a FREE Abstract Writing Guide to make this process easy for you.
It includes an annotated example and a step-by-step approach to write your abstract.

You can now download it from my website. Once you enter your email address, you will get it by email:

As always, if you need clarification or assistance with your research projects, feel free to reach out to me, and I will respond.

See you next Sunday!


My favorite things this week

1.     Enjoying my time off with my family

2.     New year, lots of content coming soon - stay tuned!


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